We went to the fair and had a blast! The kids loved it! The got to eat a tiger ear and go on rides and even go to a petting zoo and see lots of animals. The babies were so good! They are the most chill babies I have ever had! It makes it easy to go places with everyone. Towards the end though I think that Ryan was getting tired. Haha! He is such a good Daddy!
We visited uncle Jared and Sabrina in Provo at the Macaroni Grill. It was really good to see them, but it was hard to tell who the kids and the adults were.
We went to the river and fed the ducks with uncle Seth. He is so fun! There were lots of fun park benches to sit on and enjoy. The kids love to feed the duck at the river! This summer was just filled with adventure! We loved it!
The kids have started school and the twins are moving all over the place! We moved into a new house and have met so may great friends! When you hear the term, "never a dull moment," you think of things always being exciting and having something fun going on. I have come to find out that it means always doing something, whether it is fun or not. My mornings now consist of helping everyone get fed, clean, and ready, and then I have a moment to feed myself and maybe if I'm lucky get to shower before they go to school in the afternoon. Some one always needs my assistance, which is great, I love that they need and want me to be with them. But it has caused me to neglect a few things. For example: my house, the dishes, laundry, myself getting ready for the day, making dinner every night, just to name a few. :) (Of course not all at once, ;), what kind of wife/mother would I be.)
So lets update you on the family. Lets start with Tyler. He started kindergarten this year and LOVES it! He is always so excited to go and to do his homework. :) He loves all of the new friends that we have made in our new neighborhood! Most of them are girls which he loves! He has a different girl that he is going to marry each week, it is quite funny. I only thought girls got crushes when they were little, but Ty has proved me wrong! He is exactly as I imagine Ryan was when he was little. I love it!

Hanna started preschool this year and was a little hesitant at first, but now she loves it! She loves to play and be a "little mommy." She "helps" me keep the boys in order. It is so funny! When I tell the boys to do something, she copies everything I say to them but a little quieter. Almost like she is practicing for when she is a mom. It is hilarious! She makes me laugh! She is very specific on what she wants to wear and how she wants her hair to be done! I am in trouble! She is only 3!!

Little Abram is so fun! He army crawls everywhere! He is so fast! I really have to be careful with him! He is full of smiles and loves to play! He scratched a capillary on his forehead and now has a permanent dot in between his eyebrows. I guess the twins will be easy to tell apart for the next few years. He can clap his hands and has his 2 bottom teeth.

I had to separate the boys at night because they LOVE to wrestle. I have never seen that in my life! Two babies wrestling. It is so cute! They love it.
We love our new house and ward! This summer has been great! I will try to write more, it is just hard to find the time. :) I hope you all are well. Pictures of the house will be coming soon.